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Sustainability Now is engaged in the exploration and proliferation of cutting edge sustainable technologies that solve planetary problems related to food, energy, housing, water, waste, health, economics and consciousness.
with Host Mira Rubin and Producer Scott Bille

Feb 14, 2019

Bio-Architect Paul Richardson builds buildings and community where shelter transcends a roof and four walls to become fully self-reliant, self-regenerative, and economically viable—producing food and clean water, and managing and re-using all waste in balance with nature. Paul founded Haven Earth SEED (Stewardship Education & Ecological Design) Training Center — both a physical and virtual education training center — to create a template for eco-communities, bringing together the tools and techniques of self-reliant living, earth architecture, community building, and permaculture. With a team of experts in the fields of permaculture, off-grid living, water self-sufficiency, bio-dynamic structures for healing, and more, the intention is to find solutions to our present reliance upon unsustainable and unhealthy practices, and to create successful models for eco-communities internationally. Grounded in a commitment to conscious, ethical, earth-centered and earth focused principles, Paul is paving the way to a feasible future, a future worth living for.